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Full Version: BEWARE FROM SCAMER Aditya Williams (sarcastikadrian)
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warning don't do business with Aditya Williams, he can't be trusted!
this idiot buys stuff and just issues a chargeback later on without any contact whatsoever. he will just try to steal your products.

here are his details from the order:

Remote Address :
Country by ip address:India
Payment Type :CC
User Data:
Last Name :Williams
First Name :Adrian
Address1 :Hallesches Ufer 53
City :Weiskirchen
Zip Code :66707
Country :de (Germany)
Work Phone :06871482186

this is his twitter:
and that ugly fucks ig:

what a lame poser lol pathetic
His facebook:
He is not do a chargeback. He use hack cc (in german) to buy your product, the chargeback
because of the owner find out. The guy may from india
i know that M**** is obviously from india and its fake details, but thanks :)
Thank you very much sir for your post
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