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This book is all about the single most powerful move that humans can make to promote health, reduce obesity, lower the cost of health care, nurture our fragile environment, conserve our energy resources, feed the world's steadily growing population, and greatly reduce the suffering of animals in factory farms all over the world. As Dr. T. Colin Campbell says, "It turns out that if we eat the way that promotes the best health for ourselves, we also promote the best health for the planet."

Like a blinding flash of the obvious, the single most viable solution to all of these issues is an aggressive move in the direction of consuming much more whole, plant-based foods—not necessarily becoming vegetarian or vegan. This book clearly explains how and why we began eating the wrong food for our species and provides helpful guidelines for getting us back on the road to vibrant health and effortless weight-loss.

Fortunately, despite the incredible complexity of our current dilemma, the solution is refreshingly simple. It simply requires educating yourself, making better choices in what you eat, and then share all that you have learned with everyone you care about. There has never been anything more important in the history of the world.

great health share, thanks
Thanks StillStanding!
Still delivering great stuff.
The idea is simple. Eat more plants and less meat or processed food and you will gain better health.

I have been eating mostly fruit and vegies for about 2.5 years now and have lost a fair amount of weight. I feel a lot better, am in a lot better shape and can say for sure that the change was simple to do once I made up my mind this was what I wanted to do.

Good read to get you started on the path to better health and a longer, happier life.


Gotta add some reps for ya!
reup request

Thank you very much for another great share.
Reps added.
PQ :)
Thanks for honoring my reup request so quickly, you are the man! If you are actually a female, my apologies!
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Pages: 1 2
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