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do you have the password for this??
do you have the password for this??
(07-28-2017 01:05 AM)jimmythesaint Wrote: [ -> ]do you have the password for this??

You've been here since May 2015 and you STILL don't know the default pw
for this forum? WOW!
I clicked ONE Link on this page and found smart are you?

Im wanting to know if this plugin ask for a password when it installs

not an extraction password.. I should have been more specific.

btw.. do you want me to lend you money so you can upgrade to VIP??? or are you just one of those really smart guys that have no money :)
Emitca, can you also get the BB 2 Alpha/Beta version when you get a chance. I'd like to check that out. Thanks!
(07-28-2017 01:29 AM)jimmythesaint Wrote: [ -> ]vmax

btw.. do you want me to lend you money so you can upgrade to VIP :)

yes... :)
sorry mate :) the world is full of cheap people :) I dont want to add to that problem :)
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