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Full Version: [REQ] Bam Bam Backlinks - Tube Commandments
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Some affiliates sent me some emails promoting this product for ranking YouTube videos with Google Properties and RSS Feeds. Does anyone have this? It cost $47 so maybe someone can start a GB.
bump bump bam bam
bumpity bump
Google properties backlinks....interesting!
Bam bam bump ?
Was about to request this. When it comes to YT this guy is the real deal and certainly knows his onions. I had a chat with him a few times.

Also he discusses lots of unknown and hidden Google properties which will give you massive Youtube love. Hoping to see this.

He told me about Tube commandments was included in this and I seen reference to that on the JV page but nothing about it on the sales page.
Yes, the few reputable marketers out there like Hess and Crowley are saying that this course is the real deal. Can someone post it up here and I'll be sending a massive 1 rep point your way.
bam bam bump bump :D
Agree with you folks. This dude really knows his stuff. Bumpity, Bump. Bump
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