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Full Version: [GET] The Magic of Awareness (4.7 rating @Amazon)
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The paradox of awareness is very profound and yet very simple. It can't be described because it has no objective qualities and no limitation. Sometimes it comes naturally to the surface when we are fully in the present moment and no longer lost in thought or mental projections. Pure consciousness is neither high nor low, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, neither good nor bad. No matter where we are, no matter what we are doing, we always have an immediate access to that inner stillness. It can be experienced in an instant in all circumstances once we know how to pay attention to it. It is utterly peaceful and it is also insightful, so it sees through all illusions. Whenever there is a moment of being deluded, we can use that moment to practice settling in the very perfect sphere of the Buddha mind without trying to change anything. When we reside in that liberated mind, we find the very thing we have been seeking all along.

Thanks for the share!!!
excellent share, thanks StillStanding
Nearly 5 star reviews over at Amazon, that's good enough for me, thanks for the share.
(07-11-2017 11:51 PM)srw1958 Wrote: [ -> ]Nearly 5 star reviews over at Amazon, that's good enough for me, thanks for the share.

To be honest, I'm often skeptical of those 5 star "reviews" - I always read the 1 and 2 star reviews first (sometimes they are insightful, sometimes quite useless - i.e. I received the book but it was all squashed up, therefore I give it 1 star) but this book doesn't have any stars lower than 3 - to me that's a good sign - I'll start reading later today.

Thanks so much for another exceptional share! Thanks
re-up request

Thanks for the share and the re-up!!
Reps added.
PQ :)
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