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Full Version: What tools to use for tracking Rank
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I need a tool to track the rank, what tools do you guys use? Could you please recommend one for me? Thanks very much.
You can use Rank Tracker from Link Assistant. They have a free version that may help you on almost your tracking.
Basically I am using manual way but some times webmaster tools.
I tried a lot of things but stopped at Pro Rank Tracker, in my opinion there is nothing better for today...
You know what I track? Traffic... I build out massive wordpress... then I watch and see which get the most traffic. All they are is traffic funnels that I put an overlay on. Whichever sites are getting me the most traffic I duplicate on new domains, with slight variations. I don't even bother tracking search term rankings... too much time and effort involved with getting that anal about everything. Blast away, watch traffic, leads, conversions... scale the winners.
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