Hi people
Does someone have this deal?
"Get Unlimited, 100% FREE Traffic and Sales by Leveraging 'OTHER PEOPLE's Viral Content"
This is an old method right?
quick analyse
demo site =
look the views count + the share count + the emotion count = 1 to max 20 shares only in 8 months
its not a real viral solution ,setup and forget and just count the money income stream
if make a demo ,its must show its work after 8 month testing time (this not work after few months)
usefull count 20 max ,i will give 3 points only,there are a better plugin out there
just my view
I agree. Most of the solutions only provides a solution to aggregate the content and hardly mentions you need a good traffic or existing base to drive traffic to the page.
If you ask me, my rating would be:-
Content Aggregation : 7/10
Viralism Effect : 1/10 (unless you have existing userbase)
(07-11-2017 12:42 PM)fellica24fb Wrote: [ -> ]quick analyse
demo site = http://viralvilla.net
look the views count + the share count + the emotion count = 1 to max 20 shares only in 8 months
its not a real viral solution ,setup and forget and just count the money income stream
if make a demo ,its must show its work after 8 month testing time (this not work after few months)
usefull count 20 max ,i will give 3 points only,there are a better plugin out there
just my view