Hi Guys,
I'm just getting back into AM after a long time off and had a question regards copyright on YT vids.
So with the potential to be sued using images in your posts, especially if you're in the US/UK which I am. I thought of using highres youtube images. Simply picking a 1080p or higher video, slowing down the speed and capturing the image that relates to my product or article.
I could always contact the youtube uploader and ask to use a still image from their video with accreditation* But I suppose the question is, do I need too?
When it comes to copyrights on images I always try to stay clear of the courtroom. I like your idea of grabbing a still image from a video. I would imagine you would avoid detection a lot better than grabbing an image from a site. But, after a battle with Getty years ago (I won), I now pay for images or use something from the public domain. There are plenty of low cost images and monthly services where you can get images cheap. If this is a business and a dollar or two will make a difference to you, then you have a different problem.
There was a thread on one this site about how you can get free images from a site where you normally have to pay. It was an ill advised thing to do.
My rule is if it makes me money I pay for it. If I download a tool, theme, plugin, etc. from here and I end up liking it and it helps me generate revenue, I buy it. I want the support. I want to support the person who created it. It is good karma.
Thanks for the reply Magnum, it's appreciated.
Sorry for late reply, as it appeared my thread hadn't been approved, but now has.
I totally agree with you regards karma, and paying for a tool you you use.
I was just in the quandry of this niche being so 'niche' images are very hard to find from anywhere (especially quality ones), however youtube had vids.
Regards the copyright issue, I did a little digging and found that if the picture is used in more of an information/how to article it appears you are on more solid ground.
If you intend to use it for commercial purposes this it where the ice becomes a lot thinner.
I decided to only use the images from youtube on information/research articles only. And with accreditation back to the user, hopefully they'll like the traffic. I'll also feel better about myself.
For commercial purposes (reviews) I managed to find supplier images from the Chinese wholesale sites. I'll buy the product and use the images I take myself.
Thanks again for the reply magnum.