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Full Version: [GET] Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas
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#1 New York Times Bestseller

In this highly anticipated follow-up to his blockbuster The Amateur, former New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Edward Klein delves into the rocky relationship between the Obamas and the Clintons. An old-school reporter with incredible insider contacts, Klein reveals just how deep the rivalry between the Obamas and the Clintons runs, with details on closed-door meetings buttressed by hundreds of interviews. Blood Feud is a stunning exposé of the animosity, jealousy, and competition between America’s two most powerful political couples.

Cant stand either couple. Guess I should read this to see which couple I hate the most! Thanks for sharing.
(07-07-2017 11:42 PM)rex55 Wrote: [ -> ]Cant stand either couple. Guess I should read this to see which couple I hate the most! Thanks for sharing.

LOL Well if you want a PDF Version, here it is:
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