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Full Version: [GET] Eat Lite Cereals, Lentils and Condiments
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The Eat Lite Kitchen Library is a collection from Sanjeev Kapoor's veritable khazana of delicious recipes. In the Low-Calorie Vegetarian Collection, he has laid out a banquet of delicious low-calorie Indian and International dishes ranging from the everyday to the exocotic, from heritage fare to the hot and happening.

Make every low-calorie meal a gourmet's delight wih recipes fashioned, tried and tested by Master Chef himself!

I am getting a 404 file not found error. Sad
thanks for sharing StillStanding
(07-07-2017 06:12 PM)sweetanukritisharma Wrote: [ -> ]I am getting a 404 file not found error. Sad

You've posted messages on two of my recent shares saying you are getting a 404 error. I went to both of the links and they are working fine.

You could try again as the zippyshare site may have had problems at the time you went there. You could try refreshing the page, clearing your browser’s cache and cookies, scan for malware or last but least make sure when you copied and pasted the url you copied the entire url.

Works for me too
Thanks SS
reup request

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