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Full Version: Discover how I went from making $0 per month, to making... $253.65 per day with ugly one page affiliate sites! (Reg)
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Anyone willing for share or any review from this looks nice method owner is emir gulderen aka leonhart.
This looks like it must surely be nirvana !!

It was named Affilister Blueprint (2015 ??) - appears now to be a closed membership site as well, see here:
That page also offers a freebie PDF + signup, and wants you to see this:
Which looks like a totally different thing for a mere $197 !!

But on this page it redirects to WF to join..baffling indeed:

So - who knows what is what here...I sure don't !!
Does he promote clicbank products iam curious how one page site can earn $2xx does he use paid promotion or from free traffic there is 14trafic he shows
Bump? upupupup
looks interesting
This looks very interesting anyone find it?
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