06-25-2017, 01:19 AM
“The Most Complete Kindle Self-Publishing Success Guide for Independent Authors”
2016 Edition - Updated and Expanded (includes the latest hot tips and secrets)
82% of the USA populace aspires to write a book … There are about 600,000 published authors … This book is for the 99.8 % who have not yet chased their publishing dream into reality and for the published authors who want to take it to a higher level.
No Agent required … No Editor needed (self-editing secrets revealed)
Many books have been written about Self-Publishing on Amazon … What makes this book SPECIAL?
It’s possible to publish on Amazon for NO $$$ … That’s how Mr. Allen did it! … He is sharing his self-publishing success secrets so you can do it too.
A NEW CAREER AS AN INDEPENDENT SELF-PUBLISHED AUTHOR: You’re a smart Author who wants to get it right the first time. You seek a step-by-step guide to follow. There’s a 48-step guide at the end of this self-publishing book with active links to the specific chapters to do each step … Just follow the steps to publishing SUCCESS.
YOU WROTE THE BOOK: You need editing, formatting, publishing, and marketing help to get your masterpiece into the hands of large numbers of readers. Just do the steps you haven’t already done but check to make sure the steps you’ve already done are executed properly to best take advantage of the Amazon marketing machine.
ALREADY PUBLISHED: You need to discover why your marvelous book is not selling and what steps to take that will skyrocket sales. Simply use the steps you’ve missed, poorly executed, or never seen before.
SUCCESSFUL PUBLISHED AUTHOR: Mr. Allen has tips and info you can use to propel your book to it's Category's Top-Row … That’s where every author aspires to be and every potential buyer sees your book.
"Amazon is the #1 leader of book publishing and sales. There is no second place because the gap is so wide. Publish solely with Amazon and save the time you would waste on the lesser publishers. Use the time saved to write more books to publish on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing"
Christopher David Allen is an International Best Selling Author and Independent Self-Published Author with numerous #1 Best Selling books. His books have earned him over 150 “#1 Best Seller” badges on Amazon under multiple pen names.
Click on “Look Inside” to Learn Much More … Click the “Buy” Button to Become the next Amazon Best Selling Author.
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