:/ ...
It is my money i use to buy and shared. i thanks u so much, life is going, and ionsha-halla, we will meet, not only here, but let see
My own items, my own money, realy - i get qualify as lier - wich community§§§§
Give and get insult
Kindly - in fire
(06-19-2017 04:47 AM)DollarsBux Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent
It is my money i use to buy and shared. i thanks u so much, life is going, and ionsha-halla, we will meet, not only here, but let see
My own items, my own money, realy - i get qualify as lier - wich community§§§§
Give and get insult
Kindly - in fire
dont mind youngtiger hes an idiot. We appreciate your share...truly
(06-19-2017 10:32 AM)IamHIM Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2017 04:47 AM)DollarsBux Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent
It is my money i use to buy and shared. i thanks u so much, life is going, and ionsha-halla, we will meet, not only here, but let see
My own items, my own money, realy - i get qualify as lier - wich community§§§§
Give and get insult
Kindly - in fire
dont mind youngtiger hes an idiot. We appreciate your share...truly

Youngtiger not wrong, the freebies section's rules not accept money-links.
Thanks the thread's owner for great share but this way to share will get banned by Mods soon!
ok thanks you are all rights. I do not ask money from someone. we are all here to get and give. I never ask someone a cent here. You can juge me, why get furious again me, simply buy from author! hmm!. This community i love so much, realy, will fall down one day. because with this kind of words, ahahaha.
I am not surprice why today, we cant find devoting sharer and quality share. i meet other here 3 years ago, and they say me: come to take only. and all these, do you know that they stop sharing? why?
in life, if you cant say thanks, do not insult the one you beg from.
What i know, this rules here forbiden insultes words.
I share, and you insult me LIAR. and where is mod?
Today you get my words: i know what to do. Do not check this account as new, ahahaha, you never know internet world
thanks to you too, juge. You will remember me, you forget me today, u are right