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[GET] Niche Post Conversion Strategies by PotPieGirl

[Image: tehx7Rk.jpg]

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Thanks for share.

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Thanks bruh
Thanks buddy. Max rep added.
Cool share!

Max reps to you :)
Great Share! Thanks for caring @godheir! Max reps to you!
godheir thanks for this informative share and I'll tell you why. This woman will help many of you begin to appreciate how important it is to begin tracking. From pulling free traffic alone you'll begin to see trends within your audience base in relation to real time events in your niche. This will help you capitalize through your posts, optin forms, videos throughout your money sites, social media and more. So learn how to track as much as you can.

Stay informed, always adapt and convey this relevancy thus increasing conversions.

She focuses on AMZ but the principles are applicable to most campaign mediums. Also she makes a relevant point about how your ads, posts, what have you looks on mobile. This is important and often times where less is actually more. She suggests a free tool to test for mobile viewing.

This woman is very mindful to her potential buyers and it shows in her writing. Many of her tips and tricks can and should be utilized outside the AMZ marketplace.

Thank you +Reps!
Thank you OP
Thanks for the share.
Thanks for sharing. +Reps added.

By the way, if you have Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing, please share that too.
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