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The key to a less hectic, less stressful life is not in simply organizing your desk, but organizing your mind. Dr. Paul Hammerness, a Harvard Medical School psychiatrist, describes the latest neuroscience research on the brain's extraordinary built-in system of organization. Margaret Moore, an executive wellness coach and codirector of the Institute of Coaching, translates the science into solutions.

This remarkable team shows you how to use the innate organizational power of your brain to make your life less stressful, more productive and rewarding. You'll learn how to:

- Regain control of your frenzy
- Embrace effective uni-tasking (because multitasking doesn't work)
- Fluidly shift from one task to another
- Use your creativity to connect the dots

This groundbreaking guide is complete with stories of people who have learned to stop feeling powerless against multiplying distractions and start organizing their lives by organizing their minds.

Nice share. Will be back for reps.
looks like a good read, thanks
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