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Get Access To $2,281 In Value For One Ridiculously Low Price!
My 50 Video "G-Hacks" Course Unveils 34 Ways You Can Profit From Google's Tools Including Their Top Secret Tools That No One Else Is Telling You About! Plus Get Private Label Rights!

Simply Download, Upload, Start Selling!
GET INSTANT ACCESSYou Are Covered By My 100% Money Back Guarantee
[Image: Small-1.png]

Sale Page Download
Hi and thanks for the share.I've been looking through the files for the "Private Label Rights" file and i can't seem to find it. The only rights i did found were the adsense course plr rights which say:

[NO] You may use the name(s) of the author/creator/seller of the Product
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
[NO] Can be given away for free (Can giveaway portions of the products as a teaser)
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
thanks saintjohnny
max reps
Thanks @saintjohnny
(06-08-2017 08:13 PM)zaff Wrote: [ -> ]Hi and thanks for the share.I've been looking through the files for the "Private Label Rights" file and i can't seem to find it. The only rights i did found were the adsense course plr rights which say:

[NO] You may use the name(s) of the author/creator/seller of the Product
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
[NO] Can be given away for free (Can giveaway portions of the products as a teaser)
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights

This file was not provided but is stated PLR at sales page so it should got the standard plr rights.
DL Link says "Expired download session"
Thanks for this generous share Saintjohnny !!

BTW, there is quite a list of titles at their site, here:
Dunno if there's anything to grab there though and its time to quit for today now so maybe someone will look deeper there than I have...?

ABout this d/l=>
I wish everyone would use that site as this was the BEST large d/l for me, ever.

It came in WAY better than mega could ever dream of being, no trouble at all.
Their site always quits 1/2 way though any big d/l from there when I try one.
(+Rep added, of course.)
thanks reps added
Link page states "expired session"
Thanks saintjohnny. Please re-up!
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