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Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

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(From Wikipedia description):

Atlas Shrugged is a 1957 novel by Ayn Rand. It was Rand's fourth and last novel and her longest. it includes elements of science fiction, mystery and romance. The title is a reference to Atlas, a Titan described in the novel as "the giant who holds the world on his shoulders." The significance of this reference appears in a conversation between the characters Francisco d'Anconia and Hank Rearden, in which d'Anconia asks Rearden what advice he would give Atlas upon seeing that "the greater [the titan's] effort, the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders."
With Rearden unable to answer, d'Anconia gives his own response: "To shrug."

The book explores a number of philosophical themes from which Rand would subsequently develop Objectivism. In doing Atlas Shrugged, it expresses the advocacy of reason, individualism and capitalism, and depicts what Rand saw to be the failures of governmental coercion.

Atlas Shrugged received largely negative reviews after its 1957 publication, but achieved enduring popularity and consistent sales in the following decades.

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Rand's philosophy in a nutshell: I've gone mine, screw you.
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