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Appreciate what you do for the community.

I suppose you share out of goodwill and to get reps, sharing in VIP would reduce leechers but would cut down your REP count as I believe you appreciate/enjoy that part as well.

Nothing is sacred online especially IM forums, I've seen products shared that was actually about stopping products from being shared, the very thing the product was designed for, it was happening to it.

When I share I understand there is a possibility of some schmuck that will copy it to other forums, etc. It's part of the process. I don't care about reps, I generally share and if it helps someone cool, if not, I'm not putting anything behind a rep wall requesting to email me for anything.

Back in 2012, the thing that got me to become a VIP at BBHF, is that someone RIPPED the VIP from other forums and was posting them here, I thought, Why would I pay to join the other forums when I can already get what they have posted here?

Unfortunately the only way to not get things reposted elsewhere is to not share. Point blank.
@sprawn: Thanks for your insight. I appreciate it. You're right about being wanted but with me, it's not even that. I enjoy doing what I do. If you'd had known me before I evolved into Layna61524 who gets a lot of compliments from people, I was a tech-noobie who didn't "get" how to move a file (upload) to a file share site and post the download link.

I played around and learned on the go. I was surprised at how easily accessible products were for the taking; all you needed was an open mind and a little creativity. I relished sharing what I learned with others because I wanted to help give people the know-how I had just discovered. It's far better to know how to find the things you want rather than wait around for someone to share them.

It's the old adage: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

What triggered my change-of-heart was more than the fact that my shares are being routinely leaked. It was the hard cold numbers of downloads. It's mind-boggling to think people are hitting those links at that rate. So, there's no telling how widespread this is.

Lucky for me these aren't direct links to a vendor's site or I could be in a world of hurt. Still, what scares me is that, I'm registered here with my username, avatar, etc. If I were ever confronted (legally ... by product owners) for my shares on other B-H sites, how can I explain that my "innocent" shares to a limited B-H community somehow mushroomed into an H-Bomb of illegal downloads that I am not responsible for.

I'll be the first to admit, I'm being overly sensitive about this but I don't like not being able to wrangle something in before it gets beyond my ability to handle it.

That's exactly what I feel about this situation. There are just no mechanisms on these forums (this one, included) to protect people who share and any idiot with an email can register for free, come in and leech until they've had their fill of blood.

Hell, I've read enough posts to KNOW that some product vendors BELONG to black-hat sites. How comforting to know.

I'm more worried now about the widespread exposure of my shares and how I could defend that if ever I had to (ex: in a lawsuit).

Hopefully, some of you will understand where I'm coming from. A lot of us here are business people trying to make a profit.

I probably won't leave the forum altogether (unless the Mods say otherwise) but I will just be very careful when and what I share.

@Mrgwaps: It's not about the REPS either. I put that at the end of my shares because so many people ignore it. I can almost predict who will stop by a post to leave a comment or rep me for it. It's usually the same people (and yes, I read my stats in my dashboard).

I'm not a rep-whore but I try to follow the forum's guidelines for posting. I see where people are encouraged to REP and I take it that the more REPS added mean the person has been helpful to others in the forum. Maybe if people saw REPS as payment for something they get to walk out of the store with, they wouldn't need to be reminded to do it. But reminder or no, most people snatch-and-grab and don't so much as leave a comment.

I could go VIP only tomorrow; that's not going to solve anything. Some of the leeches find their way into the VIP section because they were approved to join and they pay (like the rest of us) for access.

I've always enjoyed hanging with "the folks" and I've learned so much by spending my time on the forum in those sections where the regular folk get together. Besides, I'm not sure people in the VIP would appreciate all my "find stuff" shares as they most likely already have those skills. Plus (as I said already) there's no way to stop someone in VIP from sharing something elsewhere (not necessarily on this forum).

This is something I need to deal with. I'll give it more thought in the coming days but (like the old-school song goes) I've got my mind made up.

I just posted here so that people who wanted to get my shares can do so before I ask Lala to remove them all.

@Anyone wanting a copy of this share: I just got a request for this via PM. I'll post here pretty much the same as I wrote them...

The mirror in post #13 (by WallytheFourth) seems to have at least one working link. Here is the Solidfiles link:

Magic Button :

If the link is dead or you have problems with Solidfiles, you can always post to the thread to ask for a more recent mirror. If anyone who previously uploaded this (last year) wants to mirror, I am fine with mirroring my shares on this forum.

I'm not doing this to make life miserable for anyone; I'm really worried about the scope this has taken and just didn't want to take my shares down without giving people a forewarning so they can get whatever they want before I shut down.

Thanks Layna, I too would fall back if someone cloned my persona and was sharing on other forums, that would make me really tight and Id fall back from sharing. Copying shares is one thing, but to clone your persona and come off as you in another forum is whack. Just shows what people would do for reps. Rep whoring is real, some people don't even realize they are rep whores. it's almost subconscious. I mean everyone wants to get recognized for their sharing, others want to build reps before they unleash some nefarious tactics on suspecting members.
What goes around comes around, you will not be taken for granted, what you have shared will come back to you ten fold in more ways than one.
Well Layna, I would stop using the nice mirror sites that you are paying for. Go back to sharing anonymously - protecting your self from legal action if your shares are stolen.
As previously mentioned, it will also slow down the sharing if you only share in VIP.
The final thing you may want to consider, but it might be more work for you is that I have noticed some members on here ask you to PM them for a link. If you went that route, then you would at least have it narrowed down to a small group of people who have access and you would probably be able to take a reasonable guess at who shared it.

You have some of the greatest shares on here, and it would be sad to see you go.
This is the kind of BS that I absolutely despise and exactly why I haven't really shared some of my methods of acquiring information and files, or even providing information to different sites.

I am sorry for what these morons have done, and I hope karma catches up with them sooner rather than later. You are an absolute treasure to have, and our conversations have always been wonderful, so I guess what I'm trying to say is that you are absolutely appreciated and admired by the few of us who actually enjoy sharing and helping others. We all want to see the good, but it infuriates me to no end that some little piece of crap would actually even go so far as to basically steal your online identity just for the sake of a virtual thumbs up.

Pardon my french but...

love you "haker" and whatever other names you want to call yourself. You were reported here previously for pulling the same shit and leaking stuff from the VIP section, and I hope admins IP ban your dumbass.

To Layna:
I made an account on that site just to tell that little retard to go screw himself and to give credit where it's due. I don't blame you for wanting to back off for a bit. I just hope you at least stick around for a bit to chat from time to time.

Much respect.



Apparently this arsehole is just stealing credit from most people here. Looking at those forums it's clear that guy is just a piece of shit with no integrity whatsoever.

**EDIT #2**

Evidently I can't tonight, since that site sucks and they can't even figure out the activation process right, and it's throwing SQL errors at me.
@I_Love_Knowledge: Thank you, my dear friend, for having my back. I appreciate the support. As I said, a few times people over here were asking for something I found on another BH site I am registered on.

I "borrowed" that share to bring over here but never did I go so far as to use the OP's identity, his or her words (most posts are poorly written anyway and violate forum protocol with no virus scan or anonymous link to a source site).

Some people throw up any links they find from unknown sources with no regard for protecting people's computers. And if you notify them that they should do a V-T scan or supply a sales page link, they get pissy with you over it.

Long-story-short: I really, really want to be here. I want to stay. That is why I decided to wait and let the crappy feeling I got over this run its course, instead of making a rush judgement.

Based on the support I've found here, I'm feeling better already.

@DacInBC: I will definitely take your advice. The reason I got a paid account was to make sure people had a lengthier access to my shares. But it's going to be Zippy going forward. And no re-ups even though I still encourage mirrors.

I need the weekend to enjoy my NFL play-off games and to think more about how to avoid the vipers among us. It's not in my nature to exclude certain groups of people based on my experiences with a few of them. I don't want to over-react but I am seriously concerned about these idiots exposing me to a potential lawsuit; the level of the sharing has become just that exponential.

I'm very tempted to just shut all the links down but that would end access to good people here because I tried to assign links to the more popular of my shares.

I'm not even sure if I were to come back on Monday and ask Lala to remove all my links that she will. There may be some reason the Admins won't do that.

@Everyone: Thanks for your kind words. I will stick around on the forum and I will continue to share but moving forward, I will need to make some rules for myself to keep this from happening again.

I'll be back on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone!

Another most excellent share from the most generous Layna!
+5 reps
Many thanks
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