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Master algebra from the comfort of home!

Want to “know it all” when it comes to algebra? Algebra Know-It-ALL gives you the expert, one-on-one instruction you need, whether you're new to algebra or you're looking to ramp up your skills. Providing easy-to-understand concepts and thoroughly explained exercises, math whiz Stan Gibilisco serves as your own private tutor-without the expense! His clear, friendly guidance helps you tackle the concepts and problems that confuse you the most and work through them at your own pace.

Train your brain with ease! Algebra Know-It-ALL features:

Icons to help you identify your current skill level
Chapter-end quizzes and word problem/solution pairs to reinforce learning
Worked-out answers to all practice exercises
Extensive multiple-choice questions to prepare you for standardized tests
“Extra Credit” and “Challenge” problems to stretch your skills

Stan's expert guidance gives you the know-how to:

Solve arithmetic problems without a calculator
Convert fractions to decimal form and vice-versa
Manipulate simple equations and inequalities
Learn how coordinate systems work
Make simple graphs
Solve quadratic and cubic equations
Understand complex-number solutions to equations
Use logarithms and exponential functions
Take college entrance examinations with confidence li>And much more!


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