06-01-2017, 04:25 AM
@ebizmoney: I feel your pain. Not very long ago, I was just like you.
I was pissed about the huge number of downloads of my shares versus the small number of comments posted and "Thank Yous" and reps. There are some on this forum who pooh-pooh the concept of repping. To each his own ... but as a contributor, I appreciate them.
Hell, no one's paying me to do this. I do it because I enjoy sharing. But just because I have a giving spirit doesn't mean I don't need to be stroked every so often. To be appreciated.
Some people are mannerless. They hit-and-run without so much as a rep or comment. And they get away with it because of the anonymity of it all. People do brash stuff when they can hide behind a cloak of anonymity.
These are the people who request a lot and give nothing.
The ones who ask for re-ups of huge files like it's no big deal.
Or specify which fileshare sites they want the downloads from.
People with zero reps and very recent join dates requesting courses that cost thousands of dollars.
The sheer nerve!
Some don't consider the time and energy it takes those of us who share to do what we do. That's not a complaint ... it's a fact.
Nor do they consider that ... without the people who share ...this forum would be like many of the others who come here to pilfer our shares to post on other less-active forums (that's another pet peeve of mine!).
Without people who post shares, we'd all have to ante up BIG TIME for every shiny new object that catches our eyes. Ever notice how much internet marketing products are getting more and more expensive? And the same "gurus" are coming back again and again with products that cost between $97 to $4997? That's how they're getting rich ... promoting promises. Thank goodness for B-H sites like this one with people who share.
There's no real way to control your content once you upload it and share it. You lose control. The only thing you can do is to STOP sharing (I've thought about it after finding my own shares stolen wholesale --- word-for-word over at other B-H sites!). I don't know that posting only in VIP will improve things because I've seen many VIP shares from this site on other forums.
I've had several private messages with Lala and except for putting your username and the name of this forum on/in your shares (which is a joke) there's nothing you can do. They even have the BBHF password to open files over at other forums! It's out of control!!!
IMHO, just spend more time appreciating those people who do take a nano-second to say "Thank You" and/or rep you for your time and energy. I particularly enjoy hearing feedback from posts.
Today, I have more good people showing their appreciation for my shares. It was an organic process ... not forced. It happened naturally.
I contained my anger and continue to share. Oh, the anger still comes back now-and-again when you notice how few people are courteous.
The last time I got angry about downloads vs. reps/thanks, I believe it was StillStanding who kindly put it in perspective for me. And few forum sharers do as much as StillStanding (at least in the Digital Publishing section of the forum)...so, I'm good now.
A forum is meant to engage ... conversate. If everybody just hit-and-run, who's left to communicate with?
And saying Thanks in word or deed (repping) is one of the nicest ways to communicate. It just takes one second to hit the [+1] ADD REPUTATION button and another to click the reps you want to add. A few more seconds to post a brief comment and add a "Thnx."
So, I've learned over time to just let it go and watch the magic.
The good people will sift to the top and you'll recognize them more and more.
The sh*t always sinks to the bottom.
Those who take-take-take and never give (even a kindly Thanks!) are probably the kinds of people who waste energy to post negative stuff on social media.
You're doing good by contributing...whether it's here with the regular folk in the Freebie Section or in the V-I-P area. Keep it up.
You're appreciated by the people who MATTER.

I was pissed about the huge number of downloads of my shares versus the small number of comments posted and "Thank Yous" and reps. There are some on this forum who pooh-pooh the concept of repping. To each his own ... but as a contributor, I appreciate them.
Hell, no one's paying me to do this. I do it because I enjoy sharing. But just because I have a giving spirit doesn't mean I don't need to be stroked every so often. To be appreciated.
Some people are mannerless. They hit-and-run without so much as a rep or comment. And they get away with it because of the anonymity of it all. People do brash stuff when they can hide behind a cloak of anonymity.
These are the people who request a lot and give nothing.
The ones who ask for re-ups of huge files like it's no big deal.
Or specify which fileshare sites they want the downloads from.
People with zero reps and very recent join dates requesting courses that cost thousands of dollars.
The sheer nerve!
Some don't consider the time and energy it takes those of us who share to do what we do. That's not a complaint ... it's a fact.
Nor do they consider that ... without the people who share ...this forum would be like many of the others who come here to pilfer our shares to post on other less-active forums (that's another pet peeve of mine!).
Without people who post shares, we'd all have to ante up BIG TIME for every shiny new object that catches our eyes. Ever notice how much internet marketing products are getting more and more expensive? And the same "gurus" are coming back again and again with products that cost between $97 to $4997? That's how they're getting rich ... promoting promises. Thank goodness for B-H sites like this one with people who share.
There's no real way to control your content once you upload it and share it. You lose control. The only thing you can do is to STOP sharing (I've thought about it after finding my own shares stolen wholesale --- word-for-word over at other B-H sites!). I don't know that posting only in VIP will improve things because I've seen many VIP shares from this site on other forums.
I've had several private messages with Lala and except for putting your username and the name of this forum on/in your shares (which is a joke) there's nothing you can do. They even have the BBHF password to open files over at other forums! It's out of control!!!
IMHO, just spend more time appreciating those people who do take a nano-second to say "Thank You" and/or rep you for your time and energy. I particularly enjoy hearing feedback from posts.
Today, I have more good people showing their appreciation for my shares. It was an organic process ... not forced. It happened naturally.
I contained my anger and continue to share. Oh, the anger still comes back now-and-again when you notice how few people are courteous.
The last time I got angry about downloads vs. reps/thanks, I believe it was StillStanding who kindly put it in perspective for me. And few forum sharers do as much as StillStanding (at least in the Digital Publishing section of the forum)...so, I'm good now.
A forum is meant to engage ... conversate. If everybody just hit-and-run, who's left to communicate with?
And saying Thanks in word or deed (repping) is one of the nicest ways to communicate. It just takes one second to hit the [+1] ADD REPUTATION button and another to click the reps you want to add. A few more seconds to post a brief comment and add a "Thnx."
So, I've learned over time to just let it go and watch the magic.
The good people will sift to the top and you'll recognize them more and more.
The sh*t always sinks to the bottom.
Those who take-take-take and never give (even a kindly Thanks!) are probably the kinds of people who waste energy to post negative stuff on social media.
You're doing good by contributing...whether it's here with the regular folk in the Freebie Section or in the V-I-P area. Keep it up.
You're appreciated by the people who MATTER.
