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Full Version: [GET] Animated Animal Toys in Wood: 20 Projects that Walk, Wobble and Roll
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All children love animals, and all children love toys. Build plenty of good old-fashioned fun for any child with these clever designs for classic pull and push toys. Inside you ll discover 20 imaginative projects for making wild and wacky wooden animals that come alive with delightful lifelike motion.

Create a chomping crocodile, waddling duck, jumping frog, timid turtle, howling wolf, or terrifying T-Rex. Each animated marvel features an ingenious design to make it walk, wiggle, waddle, or whirl. With detailed patterns, concise instructions, and step-by-step color photographs, these charming projects are simple enough for even a beginner to complete in a weekend. Fun to build, fun to give, and fun to play with, they ll provide hours of pleasure for woodworkers and children alike.

Thanks Stillstanding, for a very nice share, max reps added
Great share StillStanding. Awesome. My kids will love this. Thank you.
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