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Full Version: [GET] - Course Grid LearnDash Add-On v1.4.1
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[Image: Course-Grid-Featured-Image.png]
The Course Grid add-on gives you the ability to create a responsive course library that can be inserted on any page or post of your site. This is a perfect feature if you have a variety of course offerings and want to give users the ability to filter through them by category.

Add-On Features
[Image: NJRxNwL.png]

Responsive grid layout of courses: Choose to display your courses in one, two, three, four, six, or twelve columns. Simply insert the shortcode onto a regular page or post and your courses will display.

Filtering by category: Easily allow users to search for course by category using the category filter.

Display course featured image and short description: Courses are displayed with their featured image and a custom short description.

Featured video support: Ability to use a featured video instead of an image.

Dynamic price listing: The price of the course is automatically displayed.

Dynamic status listing: Price ribbon updates if a user has access to the course, displaying either “Enrolled” or “Completed”.

Progress bar support: Course grid can show the user’s course progress with a progress bar.
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