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Full Version: [GET] UBot Studio 5.9.50 with Complier V2 - CRACKED - $999 License
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[Image: tLeJYWk.png]

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        Name:  UBot Studio 5
     Version:  5.9.50
  Protection:  License Check / Login Shit
Release Date:  05/18/2017
       Notes:  Special thanks to alino95 ;)
               If you need to include your own plugins or other developer plugins simply drop them into the "plugins" folder
               within the uBot.Compilerv2 directory. (If you don't see that directory either run the compiler or create it.)

1. Extract.
2. Run. (Since compliation is done server side, just save the .ubot file and use the included compiler.)
3. Enjoy! ;)




ps: Compiler now supports plugins and advanced editing, and YES once again the compiler is obfuscated so some AV programs will freak out... deal with it, or don't use it.
Great Stuff TY repped +5
(05-20-2017 12:38 PM)HaXoR7 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror :

I am checking this one and let you know if this works or not.
Very nice. Thank you
where is the virus scan
(05-20-2017 04:07 PM)Google-Search-Bot Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-20-2017 12:38 PM)HaXoR7 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror :

I am checking this one and let you know if this works or not.

Thanks Perfect 10
yes, this does work..don't know about virus as used on Vm, bot work fine as much as I used so far, But one problem I face, that I can't drag element to command or script panel..even to click I have to use command search and then assign element to click. let me know if anyone face same problem.

compiler works fine..created small bot working fine so far..

Thanks Reps for OP
Very nice. Thank you
I'm able to drag elements to command and all that. Working perfectly.
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