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Full Version: F4LT | Arabic | 2013 تعلم مباديء و أساسيات الإكسل
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تعلم مباديء و أساسيات الإكسل
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New title: Microsoft Excel For Beginners - تعلم مبادئ و أساسيات الإكسل

Microsoft Excel Course, الاكسل للمبتدئين,Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel in Arabic,اكسل,إكسل
شكرا جزيلا
Microsoft Excel For Beginners in Arabic, if anyone was thinking it was an Arabic course as I did when I clicked here
Personally mopuss, I didn't think that. If you look, the url of the course is "microsoftexcel2013". As far as I know Microsoft Excel is a program (pretty famous) not some sort of TOEFL or IELTS for Arabs :) ... Now I've edited the post so is more clear for the member of BBHF. Finally, for the Arabs is clear because they can understand their language. It's not a course for English speakers ...
The coupon in post #2 is still active :)

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