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Full Version: [GET] 150 Activities For Bored Dogs: Surefire Ways to Keep Your Dog Active and Happy
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Is your least favorite part of the day leaving your best friend behind? Are you tired of coming home to chewed-up sofas and shoes and garbage in places it shouldn't be? Now you can turn your bored dog into an active dog with 150 Activities for Bored Dogs.

With a great mix of activities for the home-alone dog, as well as activities that let you in on the fun, 150 Activities for Bored Dogs includes chapters on Fun Fur One, Fun Fur Two, and Fun Fur the Whole Doggone Pack.

"Fetch" will seem like puppy play when you discover activities like:

Hide the Treats
Tetherball Tug

Finally, you can leave puppy guilt behind, thanks to 150 Activities for Bored Dogs.

thanks again for the dog share, much appreciated
Can anyone please reupload this?
(01-10-2022 08:49 PM) Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone please reupload this?

solidfiles link still online
solid still works - great sharing as always SS
thanks bud and max reps to ya
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