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bought this tool,and it sucks,95% is a BUG
Any way you're a great internet marketer with intention to sell your private proxies to bookmarking demon user, what an idea! keep it up bro!...
It's not great. But IMHO, there's no other tool is better.
anyone have tried SUBMITBOOKMARK .com ?
BMD is a great tools, a lot of features.
Success rate is good on many sites but failed on half.

It's never crash for me. Would love to get DeathbyCaptcha implement or Captcha Sniper compatibility
Im trailing bmD now

-the def site list it gives you fails for half the sites. so expect 50 submissions.
- You can add your own site list, but the auto add tab can't detect site type anywhere as good as just choosing to add sites manually
- The submitter has big issues creating accounts (im trying to find out why)
- You can use deathbycaptcha! you just have to add in the server name to point to the api. However, last time I tried it just ate captchas and sucked lol

The good thing?
If the sites actually worked, than the submissions is pretty slick. U can camouflage with rss, and set a submission schedule. The manual captcha window is better than most others.

still trying it out, im comparing it to magic submitter!
i agree terebi,sucess rate really sucks on BMD,ancd i think the tool is over priced too
BookmarkingDemon works great for social bookmarking.
if bmd success rate suck, there is no different with socialbot
i think bmd more better because the price look promises
yeah only captcha problem. Well soon third party captcha service coming for the BMD, so it will solve this problem too.. otherwise it is rocking...
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