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Full Version: [GET] Learn How To Play Chess From Scratch ($195-->0)
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Hey Guys!

Get my Chess course for free:

This course is for beginners, who don't know how to play chess, but want to learn!

Coupon code is valid until the midday of Tuesday, so HURRY!

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Course description:

This course will teach you how to play chess! I start from the very beginning.

I explain how to move and capture with your pieces and pawns in all details. I also tell you about special moves and rules in chess. I teach you the simplest ways to checkmate: how to checkmate with 2 rooks, with the only queen and with the only rook.

And in the last lecture I explain you how to play the openning, what principles you should take into account, so you may apply them in your own games and make your pieces interact!

This course is designed for people, who want to learn how to play chess, but don’t know the rules. If you know the rules, but feel yourself unconfident when playing chess, because there was something unclear for you, you may also pass this course.

I believe after you pass this course, you will be able to play a chess game and finish by a checkmate. I also prepared quizzes for you, so you can check yourself!
Great stuff, thank you! +rep
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