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How to Write, Publish, Sell and Promote Your Own Book

[Image: 2017-04-18_1510.png]

I'm putting this share under Miscellaneous Products because while it is about publishing, it's not "Digital Publishing."

This book is a compilation of the "Top 25 articles" (posts) from site from 2009. While the year makes this dated, there isn't very much that has changed in traditional publishing over the past decade. The book's cover also says it contains over 17 hours of audio inspiration and interviews from writers and authors. I hope that's the case because I just "happened upon" it in my daily BH activities. I'm not responsible if the audio isn't there because I'm just sharing the document I found.

With that being said, enjoy...

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Cheers @layna61524! [+5Reps] for another cool share :-)

All the Best!
Cool. . .thanks op :)
new link pls
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