04-16-2017, 02:35 AM
Who this book is for (and not for)
This book contains a wealth of information. In its almost 250 pages it contains
everything from setting up your Shopify store, to scaling your FB campaign, and
everything in between. It contains several different and effective advertising
strategies along with targeting information. Complete separate parts have been
included that contains targeting examples since it’s the deciding factor between
winning and losing campaign, as well as information compiled from FB campaigns
that are generating up to $14k per month. In short, after covering this book from
cover to cover, you will have everything you need to start generating enough
money to live your ideal life.
Having said that, this book is not for absolute basics. I will not teach you how to
setup Facebook ad account etc. A simple Google/YouTube search will get you
going in 30 mins. Once you have your basics down, this book comes into play. It
contains numerous proven techniques, strategies, tips and tricks of the trade that
you can implement on your store and ad campaign and see immediate results.
PART (I) PREFACE ..................................................... 4
PART 1: YOUR ONLINE STORE .................................. 7
Chapter: Online Store Setup .................................................... 8
Chapter: Site Design ............................................................... 12
Chapter: Product Page ........................................................... 16
Chapter: Checkout ................................................................. 21
Chapter: Pricing ...................................................................... 25
Chapter: Payment Gateway ................................................... 27
Chapter: Apps ......................................................................... 29
Chapter: Shop Examples ........................................................ 32
PART 2: AD CAMPAIGN .......................................... 35
Chapter: Campaign Foundation ............................................. 36
Chapter: Strategies ................................................................. 38
Chapter: Targeting ................................................................. 53
Chapter: Bidding..................................................................... 61
PART 3: AD COPY .................................................... 63
Chapter: General Guidelines .................................................. 64
Chapter: Ad Testing ................................................................ 69
Chapter: Headlines ................................................................. 71
Chapter: Image ....................................................................... 79
Chapter: Ad Text .................................................................... 90
PART 4: FURTHER INFORMATION .......................... 97
Chapter: Important Stuff ........................................................ 98
Chapter: Hunting .................................................................. 101
Chapter: Tools ...................................................................... 107
PART 6: TARGETING ............................................. 160
WHAT’S NEXT ....................................................................... 214