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Full Version: (REQ) Doberman Dan - Big Money from small lists
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AbeLincolnBart ! thank you so much
good info for this
(04-15-2017 07:27 AM)AbeLincolnBart Wrote: [ -> ]You don't need a very big list to make significant money online. And Doberman shows how to get a list of severely interested prospects fast. Often times for free.

Anyway, I got the course. For my money, and it was--- it is a very cool 8 week course from Doberman Dan. Anyone using this will have virtually no competition -- ever!

It definitely isn't for everyone.

Those who want to get the most amount of money without any human contact may not be the ideal candidate for "Big Money from Small Lists".

In the intro section, Doberman Dan describes his secret method and the specifics of what he'll cover in the 8 sections.

I've attached the INTRO and pdf slides section below so you can see if it REALLY is the kind of thing you might be interested in. It definitely has nothing to do with CPA !!!! And his copy templates are unlike anything I've seen before! I'm dying to try 'em.... You have to be brave to use them!13blush

Magic Button :

Have a good holiday weekend...


nice share...repped you! Perfect 10
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