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Full Version: [GET] Make and Sell Coloring Books from your Photos and Illustrations
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I'm offering the course for free for the first 100 forum visitors.

Would you like to be a published author? Do you take awesome photos? Do you have an eye for good composition and style? Do you have an idea for a coloring book but you wouldn't be able to draw if your life depended on it? If so, this course is for you. The course will walk you through all of the steps necessary to source, develop, price and publish your first coloring book. If you have all of the tools necessary, you could complete the entire process in around 8 hours!

This course covers:
1.       Photo quality
a.       In Focus
b.      Clearly defined lines
c.       At least 1mb image
d.      Jpg.
e.      Good composition
f.        Clear theme – not cluttered
2.       Photoshop or other image editing software
a.       Crop image to proper size
b.      Optional: sharpen lines
3.       Really Color Website
a.       Import photo
b.      Increase or decrease detail
c.       Use eraser and line tool
d.      Fatten the lines
e.      Save to PDF
f.        Groupon deals
4.       Back to Photoshop
a.       Increase DPI if necessary. Save PDF
5.       Adobe Acrobat
a.       Free trial
b.      Group multiple PDFs into one file
6.       Canva
a.       Make a cover
7.       Pricing book
8.       Rights to images? PLR, MRR or keep all profits to yourself?
9.       CreateSpace
a.       Publish book
10.   TradeBit
a.       Publish book
11.   ETSY
a.       A digital copy
12.   Draft2Digital – illustrations rather than coloring books
a.       Change cover and publish as illustrations rather than a coloring book for digital media since you can’t really color digital designs using a Kindle or Nook reader
Looks cool, coupons gone already. thanks for posting.
plz new coupon
Someone shared this on a coupon site, that is why it sold out so quick!
So the 100 openings most likely didn't go to members.
This 40min course should be free course forever! It's not worth to take time for wating free coupon.
If your intent was to provide the course to members of this forum. Consider offering more coupons.
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