03-29-2017, 05:27 PM
03-29-2017, 05:35 PM
Seems a cool share thanks mate
03-29-2017, 09:41 PM
03-30-2017, 03:42 AM
Thank you for the share sam9700 + rep!
03-30-2017, 04:12 AM
Thanks for share but would be nice ot see a sales page for this. Reps added :)
03-31-2017, 04:20 AM
Thank you sam9700 for such an interesting share. 
Found this report outlining the process - PDF Report
A unique and interesting idea that I believe can make you money. It involves putting together supply kits, which contain necessary items that most people don't keep in the car, in the event of an auto accident. After making the kits, you will travel in person to auto supply stores (or any auto type businesses will work) and sell them the kits. You will need some investment for supplies to get started, the amount depending on how many kits you start with.
If I were to try this, I would most likely contact auto accident lawyers and sell them on adding flyers or some sort of advertisement for their business, to be included in the kit. I would either make profit from both sources (auto business and lawyer) or give the kits away to businesses, thus making all the money through the attorney who's getting the advertisement.
All in all, I like the idea and with some time invested to gather the supplies, putting the kits together and thinking outside the box, this can generate good profit.
Just my 2....

Found this report outlining the process - PDF Report
A unique and interesting idea that I believe can make you money. It involves putting together supply kits, which contain necessary items that most people don't keep in the car, in the event of an auto accident. After making the kits, you will travel in person to auto supply stores (or any auto type businesses will work) and sell them the kits. You will need some investment for supplies to get started, the amount depending on how many kits you start with.
If I were to try this, I would most likely contact auto accident lawyers and sell them on adding flyers or some sort of advertisement for their business, to be included in the kit. I would either make profit from both sources (auto business and lawyer) or give the kits away to businesses, thus making all the money through the attorney who's getting the advertisement.
All in all, I like the idea and with some time invested to gather the supplies, putting the kits together and thinking outside the box, this can generate good profit.
Just my 2....
03-31-2017, 05:28 AM
(03-30-2017 04:12 AM)tinamou99 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for share but would be nice ot see a sales page for this. Reps added :)
There is no sales page. This info is at least 15yrs old. It came from the old Sowpub forum whare Skip was a regular contributor. With some updating, I guess this could work, but when was the last time you saw anyone need a disposable camera?