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Full Version: [F4LT] Double your business in 5 weeks - Small Business Marketing
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How did a thread over a year old with no replies get on pg 2? Hmmm.

Thanks and reps.
I agree. It is pretty odd.
However, I had a look and enrolled. It's free to enrol and it has a lot of good feedback.
The instructor has a good solid background in this kind of marketing tuition for small and start-up businesses.
This fits perfectly with my business area too, so, I am going to listen and take notes with a view to perhaps doing my own seminars to business owners in cities around my area. They do need help with this and strategies like this could be just ideal for them (not watched it yet). This would, in turn, generate a lot of exposure and new clients for my own business too.

Glad you brought it to my attention aashian - reps given. Reps also for alekxis88 obviously for the share. (you don't get to a rep count of 137,555 by sharing cr@p, so thanks again bro)
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