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Full Version: [GET] Steve G Jones Subliminal MP3s
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Thankyou very much very nice share. max reps
(03-26-2017 08:57 PM)Dulcinea Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks from me, too, Nancy!

Unfortunately, I'm having the same issues as smithnowt... my CompiDino doesn't fancy Mega either.

There are 32 files listed in the OP... split into four groups of eight @250 MB each, it COULD perhaps fit on Zippy...

Just an idea, for anyone out there that successfully DLed the original file on Mega... sort of as a way of giving back to the community...

Thank you

I will split it up more and see if I can put it on zippy. As a whole it's too big and cut in half it's too big. Perhaps cut into four pieces would work?
That would be great - Thanks Nancy !!
MEGA is asking me for a decryption key as well.
nice share:)
Okay, Zippy was pretty much out, as I would have had to split the mp3s up into eight or 10 folders. But I uploaded it to dropbox. See if this works for you:
Thanks Nancy.
Seems to be working from there OK and very, very slowly...will confirm here if it is successful.
It took more than 15 minutes to upload so it might be slow. If you can get it eventually, that's what matters.
Around 15 minutes to upload over a GB is awesome speed !!!
It's been trickling in for over 1/2 hour here already and is about 40% done.
Well I hope it does work. :)
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