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(03-26-2017 12:08 PM)smithnowt Wrote: [ -> ]When viewing different offers filled with charts and shots of websites - that they show all these HUGE $$$ amounts over and over, and:
Maybe its my imagination, but lots of them seem to look exactly the same.

Am I the only one who thinks this ??

And my recurring question=>
If these guys are raking in bazillions each month, why do they want to (or even need to...) keep hawking all these cheap 'methods' ??

To rake in bazillions of bucks getting folks to pay under $10 for something would mean selling 1000's of units every month...seems too far-fetched to me.

Opinions, please ??


Of course it's bullshit. It is not exclusive to IM though.

Before I joined the Navy the recruiter made it sound like it would solve all my problems. Once I was in, it was a different story. I learned how to read the BS and enjoyed my time in the service.

Same for college.

With anything there is a "right of passage", learn, adapt, or fail.

There is always going to be people who prey on the newbs in any arena.

You have to sort through a lot of mud piles to find a gold nugget.
The more proofs and claims the seller provides to convince you of the "once in a lifetime opportunity" to make enough money to buy a new planet every week, the shriller your BS detection alarm should sound and the faster you should run (away from the offer).

If it sounds too good to be true, it is most likely too good to be true.

the "local -offline" are really silly usually

a few nice ones....but much rehash. Some retreads...maybe some worked years ago

My bigget tip is....CURRENT, NEW, NEWEST IS BEST

there may be ideas and stuff u can use in very new wso...especially social media cause it changes all the time...newest is best

My pet peeve is whiny leachers who grave dig old threads. They beg "re up' ??
Ugh. 2012.2013 THREADS..might as well find a get rich book from the 90's..."beeper profits"..."Betamax riches"
(03-30-2017 07:13 AM)Hagar Wrote: [ -> ]I will answer this with a question !

If you had a system which made you $1000 per day, would you sell it for $97 ??

Short answer... yes, maybe. Though more likely I'd charge gbp98, just to be different :-)

If you all believe this, why are you on here stealing other people's WSOs...???? Mad Slap

And for the record, I don't have a WSO and don't intend making one...

I did however train 5 people last year and I'm training more this year, for "free"*. And before you all rush to PM me, there's a waiting list... :-)

* I take 20% of their earnings, once they've actually been paid.
I once heard a very wealthy guru say, "If you can make money, then you can make money. But if you teach people to make money, you can make even more money."

That's why they sell their magic bullets for "less than a cup of coffee". It shows these gurus you have a PayPal account with money in it and an email address they can continually hit you up for overpriced, I mean, "high ticket" coaching.

If that doesn't work, they can always spam you to their other guru buddies with their offers, OTOs and JV contest prize money.

Their ultimate goal is to get as much money out of your bank account as possible.

These cheap little $7 products are only the entry fee into the rabbit hole known as "operation money suckk".
YeeeHaaah !!!:
Quote:"operation money suckk"
Yep. Got it.
Gullibility firmly patched - warnings added.

Problem with all those folks hawking get rich quick schemes from my POV is that I don't fit their profile as I neither need nor want excessive amounts of $.
Enough to have a small, decent life by some honest means will do nicely thank you.

I see now that even wasting any time looking at exaggerated BS is a distraction leading to further distractions - so I quit that.

Thanks for the great replies here folks - it is good to see some healthy skepticism with honest pointers included !!
Recipe for success in the MMO/IM market:

Your product appeals to a market that is new, guillible, hopeful, fearful and maybe just a bit desperate. Factor in a good story/mystery with a hint of scarcity and BOOM, we have a winner.
With regard to the cheap price, it makes it easier for more people to buy which obviously helps to build a big list - fast, which clearly makes it easier to sell the next rehashed piece of crap.
Wow NoJob !!
Your blunt directness is truly refreshing.

Thank you.
Of course you would. The $1,000 a day system is meant to be sold to dreamers. People that execute in their dreams. These products aren't meant for business people that exist in the real world.

To put it simply. You can make a $1,000 a day selling to people who love to dream about dreaming making big bucks. MMO online is the perfect market, 98% of the market don't want to work they like dreaming on the couch, on the beach, in the chair net surfing or netflix, or porn at work.

Sellers don't have to produce a real functioning product that produces results because as the seller you blame your product failure on the buyer him/herself. Since the buyer knows they don't do shit and don't know shit it they accept it. Seller transfers responsibility to buyer for failure.

$97 is the perfect price point. High enough to be worth the sellers time and low enough for dreamers to be repeat customers coming back to the well. $97 for a dopamine rush. Is there a cheaper dream drug than that?

Match made in heaven.

If you are interested I have a $97 system that makes $1,099/ day selling a product telling you how to sell the product on how to make $1,099/ day selling a $97 product on how to make your dreams come true.
Too funny !!:
(04-04-2017 01:00 PM)jconstantine Wrote: [ -> ]If you are interested I have a $97 system that makes $1,099/ day selling a product telling you how to sell the product on how to make $1,099/ day selling a $97 product on how to make your dreams come true.
Reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon where one of his evil pets is going to score millions by selling stuff using a 'catchy domain' called something like '' !!

I prefer a different formula=>
Small investment + decent amount of work = decent return.
No fear of working here - been working at shoveling the BS off and have found some very small, but decent gems now and then...but mostly just lots of BS.
(The shoveling is pretty good exercise though and also makes me want to get done shoveling and move on to better stuff.)
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