03-21-2017, 03:58 AM
This post is for whom who still have difficulty to download demo content without activating the Rehub theme.
Please note that the core theme can be found in @fire0214 thread:
As i try to download the demo content from the thread above and failed using WP Clone, I'v found another way to Install the Child theme + Demo Content using "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin.
Follow the steps:
give me love if above trick works for you
Please note that the core theme can be found in @fire0214 thread:
As i try to download the demo content from the thread above and failed using WP Clone, I'v found another way to Install the Child theme + Demo Content using "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin.
Follow the steps:
Quote:First, please be carefull to make sure to backup your current Wordpress, since the installation of Demo Content took a long times, you are save to bring back your WP, in case error appear.
1. Download the The .wpress file from below link:
2. Download the .wpress file to your local drive
3. Install "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin and activate it.
4. To fasten the process, please upload your .wpress file to /wp-content/ai1wm-backups
5. Access the "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin and choose import.
6. Restore site from All-in-One-Migration - Backups
give me love if above trick works for you