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Full Version: [GET] Rehub All Demo Theme and PSD Files
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This post is for whom who still have difficulty to download demo content without activating the Rehub theme.

Please note that the core theme can be found in @fire0214 thread:

As i try to download the demo content from the thread above and failed using WP Clone, I'v found another way to Install the Child theme + Demo Content using "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin.

Follow the steps:
Quote:First, please be carefull to make sure to backup your current Wordpress, since the installation of Demo Content took a long times, you are save to bring back your WP, in case error appear.

1. Download the The .wpress file from below link:

2. Download the .wpress file to your local drive
3. Install "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin and activate it.
4. To fasten the process, please upload your .wpress file to /wp-content/ai1wm-backups
5. Access the "Wp all In One Migration" Plugin and choose import.
6. Restore site from All-in-One-Migration - Backups

give me love if above trick works for you
Thanks, interesting and helpful. Rep +
tooeasymoney - I'm not sure how long you let the backup run, but I've had it running for over 15 mins and still 'preparing to install' message. I have the 'rewise' theme active and the rewise demo content, so wondering how long did it normally take to install demo content using your method??
(03-25-2017 07:01 PM)Pixelate Wrote: [ -> ]tooeasymoney - I'm not sure how long you let the backup run, but I've had it running for over 15 mins and still 'preparing to install' message. I have the 'rewise' theme active and the rewise demo content, so wondering how long did it normally take to install demo content using your method??

Hi @Pixelate, make sure you upload the backup file to your /wp-content/ai1wm-backups
it will fasten the installation process.
Still no luck on the imports. I am able to upload, but then on 'preparing to import' it just never finished. I've left it over 25 minutes and unclear if it's not working or just not finished. I'm using localhost with rewisedemo, so I thought it be relatively quick. Anyone get rewise demo to import using above method??
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