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Full Version: [WTB] Android APK Developer/Hacker
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Looking for someone who can change some content around in an APK file for me and are able to create a fully functional and working recompiled APK. Will pay $20 via PayPal if task can be completed.

Basically, I have a android game in a apk file, and there's a ton of timers throughout this game (item creation, questing, etc) and is not an online/server sided game, either. I want all these timers set to 0 sec (instant timers) but I lack the proper knowledge in java, mobile ide's, and just decompiling/recompiling apks so I'm looking for someone who could do this. You can PM Me or respond in thread. Thanks

For those curious, the game in question is Merchant. It's a game that can be found on the Google Play Store.
check pm :-)
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