I have no such problems ... I'll get on shared hosting and give you a demo to see.
same problem...no way to log in admincp
(03-18-2017 10:54 PM)ku4kata Wrote: [ -> ]I have no such problems ... I'll get on shared hosting and give you a demo to see.
Please, Do try and let Us know. I did installed on share hosting.
Can you share the latest version ? cos now it's in version 2017.2
For fix error: Open this file: includes/functions/admin.php
Go to line 160 and find: if ($result != 1) {
Change: if ($result != 0) {
Yes,that did the trick! I am in admin now.
I see there is a new version too...Version : 2017.2
if possible to share.
Rep+ for u friend.
Да срещнете жената, която се представя за кучка е смешно - повечето дори не знаят какво точно е тя. Кучката се превърна в мода, както и гей влеченията, в които хората се припознават като метросексуални, без да стигат до последната спирка и внезапната поява на хемороидите.