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(03-15-2017 10:34 PM)Bobhenry Wrote: [ -> ]Now testing this. Have set up a website with WP Automatic plugin, autoposting apartment listings from Craigslist - looks half decent (PM me if you want to see the site). Have popup with CPA offer and a few other affiliate banner ads. The issue for me is traffic. I've posted on Craigslist, Backpage and, but they get ghosted very quickly. (Maybe because I'm in the UK and didn't use a US proxy) Had some traffic from FB groups but you can't post very much without spamming.
Next steps: will try a bit of SEO with a video or riding piggyback on some authority site.
Would like to see a bit of traction before investing, but so far, not much happening.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Try to change your ad text regularly to avoid ghosting, use proxies always.
Anyone else using this guide?
(03-18-2017 07:08 PM)Rokus Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone else using this guide?

I'm using it. Awesome guide... thanks
great share reps to you bro
(03-19-2017 10:20 PM)rohit007 Wrote: [ -> ]great share reps to you bro

No problem.... you are welcome.
(03-13-2017 01:09 AM)716VHS Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for the share. max reps

Hey no problem at all....
Rokus, thank you! Rep added!

Have a great day,
(03-22-2017 01:32 AM)MrCricket Wrote: [ -> ]Rokus, thank you! Rep added!

Have a great day,

Thanks you too... share your results with us.
(03-13-2017 09:34 PM)Nokia1 Wrote: [ -> ]would this work outside of the US? Like UK?

Its worldwide...dont worry...
Anyone elase using this method?
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