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Full Version: BITCOIN - Turn 0.04 BTC One Time into 16 BTC Per Month
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You have landed in the right place if you are looking to acquire more Bitcoin. Our Teambuild will help you get there.


The Bitcoin Matrix is not a Company or a Business or a Corporation. The System is not owned by any one individual. The platform is made available World-Wide, free of charge. There are No Admin fees, No monthly fees, in fact, there are NO fees. This is a Person-To-Person Direct Educating and Bitcoin Donating Platform.

The donations are NOT collected by the Administrator, nor are they automated by the system, rather donations are sent directly and personally from one member to another member, from one member’s bitcoin wallet to another member’s bitcoin wallet.

This is an easy bitcoin system that anyone regardless of experience, background or financial support can make work.

The system was designed in such a way that it can be used by Fundraisers, such as for Charities, Schools, Clubs, Churches, non-profits, family, and personal financial needs etc. You can operate it from the comfort of your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. Through the Power of Leverage your Bitcoins will continue to work for you while you sleep if you follow through with the PLANS our Team has in place.


With our Bitcoin strategy you can build your matrix even if you do not recruit a single person. While this may take longer, it does work.

System comes with a unique SPILLOVER software that ensures that EVERYONE makes money and LEVERAGES their Bitcoins!

There is no middle man and there is No Subscription Until Your In PROFITS.

This is surely one of the most fastest ways to increase your Bitcoin through our Teamwork Model here are BTCFlood for those who have challenges recruiting we have resolved that problem through the Power Of Spillover. If you are someone who is ready to take action, I challenge you to work along side us to reach your Goals, and watch what happens.

I invite you to take a closer look on how this opportunity can change your current situation, and catapult your income to new heights through part-time or full-time effort. One of the safest, easiest and trustful Bitcoin Matrix.

Here are some of the BENEFITS below:
  • Your not forced to recruit...
  • No subscription until your in PROFITS...
  • Instantly approved once your upgrade...
  • No middle man...
  • SPILLOVER built in to land direct referrals under you...
  • INSTANT Donation Confirmation, No Waiting, No Ques.
  • No Chance of Hash Stealing etc. (same wallet address to be used for both sending and receiving donations).
  • Instant Upgrade your Level (In Just 2 to 5 second, No need to wait for 30 to 60 minutes or high transaction fee).
  • No worries for your down liner upgrade (After getting enough donation they will inactivate in 3 days).

How It Works?

[Image: TP4YAIS.png]

We will create Spillover through our Teamlink.

This is an easy system that anyone regardless of experience, background or financial support.

* Earn 16 Bitcoin per Month
* 2x4 Forced Matrix (Spillover)
* No Recruiting



Hi vipteam,

This looks interesting...

please pm me details about this
Update OP. More details!
This looks lore like MLM - multi level marketing - is the company that runs this reliable? - how long has this been in operation?
please pm me details about this
I do not mean to spoil the thread but just want to add that this type of schemes always finish bad for the people participating and good for the owners.
Just my 2 bitcoins..
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