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Full Version: How to automatically make money with adiphy €50
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Adiphy is a site that pays the user to read news. The site makes revenue based on advertising and it has a limit of 600 news per day to each user. The minimum payout is €50 and when you signup you automatically earn €1.00. Each news you read has a value of €0.01 (1 cent) until you hit €25 on your balance. After you hit the €25 the value for each news you view is €0.005 (half a cent) until you hit €26. When you hit the €26 the value for each news you view is €0.001.

Adiphy decreases the value of the news to steal from the users so here is a solution to fight back.

1) Register for a account at Adiphy

2) Install the bot in the archive

3) Open the bot

4) Open your browser with 2 tabs, use the second tab and record 10 news clicks and don't forget to simulate the close of the window and estimated 20 seconds timer before closing.

5) Run the bot by clicking in the button near the Play and select "Play X Times"

6) Select the number of playbacks to 60 and put the browser window in position before hiting Play

Aproximatelly in 30 days you will have your money ready to be transfered.

Note: It's better to use the bot at night or when you are sleep because it won't be possible to use the computer. The bot simulates the mouse and the clicks.


What is the password for rar??
€0.005 is not half a cent ! Get your lies together!
usuel passwordd is not working
are you promoting any ball of sheet
I forgot to include the password is "privateloader"

(03-06-2017 11:32 PM)bale Wrote: [ -> ]€0.005 is not half a cent ! Get your lies together!

Yes it is, €0.005 + €0.005 = €0.01 which is 1 cent.
There is no lies here
Please give the password of the file rar
Thank you.
virus total shows trojans in the setup bot is the link

What I have to do, shall I do install or delete the adiphy bot from my pc
how to install the bot in the archive?

what is archive> can anyone explain me.....
Hopefully this bot will speed things up, otherwise...

To reach 25.00 you have to read news 2500 times

Then to get to 26.00 you have to read 200 more.

Then to get to 50.00 (the minimum amount for a withdrawal) you have to read 24000 more....
(03-07-2017 02:26 AM)Dont Look at me Wrote: [ -> ]virus total shows trojans in the setup bot is the link

What I have to do, shall I do install or delete the adiphy bot from my pc

The setup.exe is a commercial application not developed by me and it's shareware. There isn't any virus you just saying that just to say.

If you have any doubts, run in VMware and copy the application name and download from official source (It's the same file) !

(03-07-2017 03:58 AM)philoakey Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully this bot will speed things up, otherwise...

To reach 25.00 you have to read news 2500 times

Then to get to 26.00 you have to read 200 more.

Then to get to 50.00 (the minimum amount for a withdrawal) you have to read 24000 more....

Your math is correct but you are missing just one thing when you signup you receive a bonus of €1.00 to start...
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