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(03-01-2017 12:15 PM)rgbiz Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this @Animal88 does it include all the bonuses mentioned on the salespage?

No, just the videos and a couple of word docs. These are all that are in the members area.
If the OTOs come to light I'll upload them...
I can't open this with Rar
(03-01-2017 08:57 PM)Milo76 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't open this with Rar

Download 7-Zip
Hmm can't extract file is says
(03-02-2017 02:14 AM)Milo76 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm can't extract file is says

Milo76, this is what worked for me...

1. Download the program 7zip, if you haven't already (
2. Install 7zip
3. Download the 3 shared files. Note: Create a 'New Folder' and place all 3 files inside that folder.
4. Now right click on the file that ends in .001 (it will bring up a menu), then navigate to 7zip > Extract Here.
5. It should ask for a password (pw is the site you're reading this on).
6. Click OK.
7. Done.

If it's still not working then you may need to re-download the shared files and try these steps again.

Thanks for the share kazzz, and for the mirror animal88. Repped!
the downloads are working, its quite a good course by the way, basically evolves around web design mostly, and selling the sites, mostly to people at bni meetings, or networking events etc.
thats most of the course as well as other associated incidentals.
it doesnt go into depth about the specifics though, leaves a lot out, but it has a lot of the basics in there if you want to do that sort of thing.

mine worked with winrar, but with winrar you can zip and unzip 7zip files
Merci 28inlove

Reps to OP and Animal

...anyone have this on Mega?...Zippy sometimes gives me trouble downloading

Direct registration gets you locked out. and other links down. Can anyone reupload please? Thanks in advance.
Bump for this one.
I've got this I think.
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