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Full Version: [GET] WPLMS v.2.6.1 - Learning Management System
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WPLMS is a Learning Management System for WordPress . It is suitable for Training Centres, Corporate trainings, Course tutors, College, Academy, University, School and MOOC platform. It is an e Learning WordPress theme for course management, instructor and student management using which you can create and sell your courses online.

Quote:[url=http://Blocked by TECH N9NE as "spam site"/us]download zippyshare[/url]


[img]http://Blocked by TECH N9NE as "spam site"/images/RB_468x60_White_Animated.gif[/img]
reported for using banned linking

Like seriously?
Thanks. Reps added.

init.php line 14
can we remove it and make it work or is it safe to say that this whole package is compromised?
You could. But would you trust this package anymore? There are also .js files that look funny. Remember that he is trying to hide stuff. Its not on plain view unencrypted.
Thanks for telling us.
Yeah, let's report this and have it taken down before someone else downloads this.
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