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Learn Object Oriented Programming PHP fundamentals bootcamp
Great find, ghostfox!! Thanks for that!
This course was already mentioned twice, first as F4LT and then with the same coupon you just shared.
I could easily find the previous threads using the course title keywords.
Please do not duplicate threads, also you should have put an appropriate title.
You are wasting people's time with this behavior.
@Newbie Rep Leechers - PLEASE DO NOT SPAM this Great Forum for your own Selfishness.

You Will NOT Last Long here doing so.
@ghostfox - Please go read the rules. You created a spam thread yesterday that broke quite a few rules, and now today you posted a course that's already been posted twice. Seriously, go read the rules, they're listed up at the top.


No offense, but it's a little harder to throw a blanket @Newbies statement.

There is A LOT of crap here that probably wouldn't fly on other forums.

Most people don't read what kind of behavior is expected and just blindly post looking for rep. Necro posting is just as bad as rep leeching. (No kidding, the course isn't free? Well duh, the last time someone posted in it was 2015!) It's so hard to believe that some people just post without a simple search first.

I might be new here, but I'm definitely not new to forums, and following the rules.
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