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Full Version: Complete Guide for How To Start Your Own SMM Business
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Tai Lopez - Social Media Marketing Agency
How this Social Media Marketing Program Works in 4 Months:

1st Month – The 1st month will show you that how you can pick your niche, a method to form your company and get started with practicing on social media marketing on your business.
2nd Month ” During the 2nd month, the trainer will show you that how you become a master of the Social Media world. You will be given templates, guides, and checklists that are consistently updated time by time, so you always have the most up-to-date info.
3rd Month – Once you have all the master methods of social media than the next step is that you will get best ways to acquire high-value customers. After that, there will be a checklist of businesses you can contact that will easily agree to a $1k per month fee.
4th Month – During this 4th month which is the last month of this SMM program, the trainer will show you how to service your customers, automate your workflow and build your team. This 4th month is all about to making your service-based business as good as possible.

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Reps given for the spirit of share, but this guy Lopez seems to be a big scammer, read JOEMLM thread here:

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Thanks + Reps + Thanks
Thanks Bungle11 for share and Firas14 for some enlightenment on real Lai Lopez, great to see useful and especially positive review on forum that can save hell of money for hard earners. Greatly appreciate it!
I am in offline business for 5 years, and Lopez says to charge $2000 and $5000 per month for silly SM services?? Are business owners stupids? absolutely not, infact offline marketing is one of the hard businesses that requires building strong relationship and delivering high ROI on dollar spent on Digital Marketing, I am not saying it is not possible to charge $4000 or even $10,000 a month, I am saying that if someone is willing to pay us $4000 we should be able to provide a proven strategy that will give high ROI.

Best Cool

(02-26-2017 03:31 AM)veronyeo Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Bungle11 for share and Firas14 for some enlightenment on real Lai Lopez, great to see useful and especially positive review on forum that can save hell of money for hard earners. Greatly appreciate it!
Thanks for the share.

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