Both are same links
Redirected to same page
(02-19-2017 11:32 PM)rkonavin Wrote: [ -> ]Both are same links
Redirected to same page
Remember to start contributing either by sharing [GET] or making mirrors for other members !! Don't be a future Leecher !
(02-19-2017 11:32 PM)rkonavin Wrote: [ -> ]Both are same links
Redirected to same page
I don't have that happening. But I included the html file in OP, try that, the reg buttun is hidden, just hover your mouse and click it to complete.
thanks #kazzz for great share, and i love the way to represent the access page. i like it.
rep+ added
signup page does redirect to home page.
what was this reseller signup page about? can resell the product?
Would love this mate but can't get your downloaded html page to register the acc.
Added html of member page. Video's come up twice. Oh well, double the fun.