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You don't need endless tables and mathematical formulas to create and interpret an astrological birth chart--not when an expert does your calculations for you. Simply add all the relevant information to fill-in-the-blank charts, which can be photocopied to use again and again. The hard work is already done here on circle degrees, angles between planets, decans of a star sign, and other complexities. Follow the three-step calculations for finding sun, moon, and rising signs. Look up each of the planets and add them to the appropriate places on each blank birth chart. When you're ready to take the next steps beyond reading your horoscope in the newspaper, the "Easy Way" is the place to start.

thanks for the astrology share
@rangers94: Were you able to get the download? I love all of StillStanding's shares ... this one gave me a really hard time with all the spammy re-directs and Zippy wasn't offered. Can you, prehaps, re-up for us? Or let me know how you were able to download it?

In the meantime, I'll try again.

Thank you,

(02-22-2017 01:30 PM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]@rangers94: Were you able to get the download? I love all of StillStanding's shares ... this one gave me a really hard time with all the spammy re-directs and Zippy wasn't offered. Can you, prehaps, re-up for us? Or let me know how you were able to download it?

In the meantime, I'll try again.

Thank you,


Here's a new mirror that actually has a zippyshare link, I obviously didn't check the zippyshare box on the orginal mirror. First mistake I've made all year. :-)

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