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Full Version: [Request] Latest - The Buildbox Everything Collection!!
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( It's said that this plan will last within a short period of time only.....)

Order Buildbox below and receive the following for $99:

30 Days full access to Buildbox (So One-Month-ONLY)

Ultimate Art Pack (23,236 images – $62,000 Value)

Illustrated Art Pack (4,659 images – $12,000 Value)

Massive Sound Pack (5,230 sounds – $15,000 Value)

Action Games Pack (10 Games – $10,000 Value)

Indie Games Pack (10 Games – $10,000 Value)

Minimal Games Pack (5 Games – $5,000 Value)

Hit Games Pack (5 Games – $5,000 Value)

Game Business Course (19 Videos – $1,900 Value)

Publishing Live Course (4 Hours – $2,000 Value)

If you decide to stay as a member of Buildbox, the subscription cost is $99 per month.

You can cancel at any time by emailing to our support



Game Business Course = BuildBox Official Courses - The Essentials Training Series - 7 Sections (Posted before)

If anyone has joined this One-Month plan, pls share the Publishing Live Course (4 videos) and all related Packs!!!

Thx a lot in advance!
bump for this! :)
Additional Message from them:

Let's quickly address some of the biggest questions:

1. Is this available for trial users?

Yes, definitely. You can join Buildbox and get the everything offer even if you are currently in the trial, or were previously in our trial.

2. Is this available for previous customers?

Absolutely! If you are a previous customer and want to come back, now would definitely be a good time while this is available

3. Is there any monthly commitment or contracts?

No. We are currently not requiring any subscription contracts with Buildbox, though this will most likely change in the future. Right now if you join, you can cancel at any time. You will never be locked into a contract as long as you stay subscribed.

4. Can you use this art, sound, and games, for commercial use?

Yes! That is our goal here. We want you to use these assets to create games and kick start a business, but please note:

While you can use these assets to create as many commercial games as you wish, release them on the app store, and generate revenue, you can not sell these assets by themselves. For example, you can't sell the images on stock photo sites or BBDOCS on source code sites.

5. How long will this be available?

We don't know, but this is currently being planned as a limited promotion.
(02-18-2017 02:03 AM)luckysam88 Wrote: [ -> ]bump for this! :)

If u, your friends or anyone are the old subscriber of BuildBox, just pls REJOIN AGAIN at least for a month! All great stuffs can be obtained at once!!

Then pls SHARE all stuffs in BBHF, especially the Publishing Live Course (4 Hours )

Thx a lot in advance!!
can anyone share , specially those awesome 30 games templates :)

Also guys, try to ask @Shiffu , he maybe can help sharing this great stuffs

Crack Download:


Download crack and copy paste to buildbox dir
(02-21-2017 07:14 PM)ric_oday Wrote: [ -> ]Download:

Crack Download:


Download crack and copy paste to buildbox dir

Your buildbox program link is invalid and we are requesting ALL the items in the "Everything collection", not only the BBox itself.
Bump , Bump...

anyone have the everything collection
I was searching for that collection too from couple of days.I'm thinking will I be able to download the Collection if I pay for 1 month subscription, so I could post it here for example :D
I'm also thinking that the Collection is just uploaded in some kind of web based market and you have to download everything 1 by 1 :x
bump for this, please share
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