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Full Version: [GET] How to Write a Bestselling Self-Help Book: The 68 Fatal Mistakes You Should Avoid
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The "must have" book by the acknowledged expert for self-help/how-to business, recovery, sports, health, self-improvement, hobby, crafts, health, and New Age writers. "If you follow only a third of her advice, you'll have a successful book." Jeremy Tarcher.

In this unique book, author-editor Jean Marie Stine shows writers how to avoid the errors that keep most self-help books from finding publishers and off the bestseller lists if they are published. From the author: "Before starting this book, I carefully reviewed stacks of rejected self-help manuscripts from aspiring authors. I also looked at first drafts which publishers had asked me to rewrite before they were deemed suitable for publication.

I kept a running list of the defects I noted. Altogether, I found 68 key mistakes most inexperienced authors seemed to make. "In this book I describe each of the 68 key mistakes so that you can recognize them when you see them in your own work. Then I explain how you can avoid or correct the problem. The result should be a zero-defect manuscript and book proposal that will sail through the editorial and publishing committees to acceptance."

Good to have a reference like this, to remind you what NOT to do. Thanks for the share.
You keep on sharing amazing stuff, thank you.
nice share, thanks again
Thanks for the awesome share, looking forward to going through this! :)
Thanks for the share.

Max reps, StillStanding.

Everyone else...

Here's a direct zippy mirror
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File name: How_to_Write_a_Bestselling_Self_Help_Book.pdf
Detection ratio: 0 / 56
Analysis date: 2017-03-26 23:33:31 UTC

Layna61524 Smile
thanks for the share
Here's a mirror for StillStanding's great share. Please note, the sub-title now reads "69 Fatal Errors You Should Avoid." The copyright is 2002 so I don't know if there is any difference between the one here and the one originally shared but the sub-title mysteriously increased by 1 fatal mistake you should be wary of.

Get It Here:
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Virus Total:
File name: [Jean_Marie_Stine]_How_to_Write_a_Bestselling_Self-Help-Book_The_...
Detection ratio: 0 / 60
Analysis date: 2017-11-19 23:21:44 UTC

Enjoy and prosper!

Thanks to StillStanding and Layna61524. Max reps to both
Pages: 1 2
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