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Hey Guys, Shazzy here.

I joined BBHF few days ago. But today I became a Super VIP, so, officially, my journey begins...

Basically, I am a 3rd year, college student, doing BS in Computer Science. I have been earning online for almost 2 years now.

I started with freelancing [data entry]. Worked for like, $0.5 per hour for my first job. I had to scrape some hotel's data from different sites. Did all the work manually. I earned $34 from that job.

The next job I got was, I had a lot of data in a lot of text files and I was supposed 'tokenize' it. I made a C++ program and let it do all the work. Made my first $100 with this one.

I also started applying for Graphic Designing jobs. Did few of those. And some other work.

I had learned a lot of new things during this period. Now, somebody tipped me about earning from YouTube. I jumped into it.

Made a new channel. Made a video. And uploaded it. Now, of course, the video wasn't that good. And no SEO at all. It only got few hundred views. And dead.

I went back to freelancing. Started applying for jobs again. One day I got a job for making 'lyrics videos'. I started making lyrics videos of famous songs for my client.

So, a few days later, out of no where an idea hit upon my mind, that why don't I make lyrics videos for myself and start uploading them. (At that time I had no idea of 3rd party claims, copyrights issues or anything). I just went on to make a video. Copied description and title of another similar video and uploaded it. Now this video got around 10K views in 10 days. Which was a pretty big deal for me.
So, I kept exploring YouTube. Read about it. And learned about:
- AdSense / Networks
- AddMeFast
- Unlisted Method
- Fake Subscribers
- Fake Views
- A lot of other things

Long story short, I was making 4 digits income from YouTube in 1 - 2 months. There was a trick working back then, you could easily upload a song without changing it's pitch or speed. Without even touching it, you could bypass 3rd party claims. So, I banked really hard with YouTube for about 5 - 6 months.

But, they patched it. The trick was dead. I was again forced to go back to freelancing.

This time, I came across Facebook Ad Accounts. I was able to make as many accounts as I could. It was very easy back then. VCC was working. No issues of IP. Even new accounts were working.
So, I made a post on 'BHW' about how you can run free ads on Facebook. I had no intention of selling, I didn't even know you could sell these accounts. I got a client from there. He said, he's willing to buy these accounts and offered me $25 per account. I agreed without any hesitation.
A day later, another guy offered $40 per account. The offers kept on increasing. The highest price I got for an ad account was $700.
Along Facebook, I started making Bing Ad Accounts too. Bing was so easy. You just had to add an address and redeem a $100 coupon. That's it. No CC required. No PP required. Nothing.

Since then, I have been making Ad Accounts - Facebook, Bing and AdWords - and Selling them.

Recently, I started reading about affiliate marketing and CPA. Randy Gardner - an awesome guy - sent me a campaign. I placed it on one of bing accounts and the moment I placed it, I started generating leads.

I have seen the potential this market has. So, here I am, to learn more about marketing.

Hoping to have an amazing time. Cheers
was really hard for you,but engaging and motivates,never break up
welcome between us bro
Wow great article.Thanks
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